
Launch of TrilogyLife.com

Today JWT Boom launches a newly designed web site for our client Trilogy, and as creative director I can’t help but feel a small twinge of pride. Ok, maybe hugely proud. This has been a labor of love for the agency for over a year, so it’s a lot like giving birth. (Of course, women have a different opinion of this analogy.)

Anyway, this design allows for an immersive experience for the visitor, delivering “big picture” format and music to boot. (The production team promises the music and "slide show intro" will be functional by e.o.d.)

During usability testing it was refreshing to see how the 55+ user was able to navigate the site with ease, and how positively they responded to the design. (We tested against four unique user profiles.)

Congratulations and thanks to all.

Jim Hallock - Executive Creative Director
JWT Boom - info@jwtboom.com

'Twas the Week...

So here it is a week before Christmas, and it looks like the economy grinch stole Christmas. Sales are way down, traffic is way down, shoppers also seem to be way down.

But this isn’t to lament the obvious. Today I received a report from our JWT headquarters in New York, from Ann Mack, Director of Trend Spotting. The report, “Rethinking Aspirations”, explores how people have started to re-examine their lifestyles in light of the changing economy in the coming year.

For those of us old enough to remember the Conspicuous Consumption of the 80’s, you may spot the pattern. Following the 80’s was a rebound period of “meaningful pursuit”, which opened the door to “the purpose-driven life” for Boomers. Well, it’s back, by necessity. Hopefully we can close the door to the era of greed, and reset our aspirations to the more mundane, “real” things like connecting with others, getting more meaning out of “the little things” instead of “getting more”.

Another biggie this study highlights: a gravitational pull to what’s safe and secure, in their jobs and lifestyle. Living more simply. Living leaner. Gaining control.
If you are stewarding your brand’s voice, what are you doing to address these changing values? I’d love to hear.

If you want a copy of the study, let us know at info@jwtboom.com.

Jim Hallock - Executive Creative Director
JWT Boom - info@jwtboom.com


Happy Holidays from JWT BOOM!

Have fun with our holiday Boomerology while you enjoy some eggnog.


A Search for Optimism

Ordinarily, this time of year is filled with cheer, but 2008 has been rough and the daily headlines reflect an overwhelmingly bleak economic picture. I worry that the 24/7 news cycle is fueling the problem and sinking consumer confidence even lower.

My search for a balancing set of stories to fuel my optimism about the coming year came to a pleasant halt with the winners of Civic Ventures 2008 Purpose Prize. These outstanding leaders lifted my spirits and served as a much needed dose of hope and resourcefulness.

Through their work as social entrepreneurs, this of group passionate individuals—all age 60 and older—are part of an amazing, and perhaps unexpected, movement. Their “encore careers” in social justice are making lasting change in our country—at a time when we need it most.

JWT BOOM was proud to feature Jim Emerman of Civic Ventures as a speaker at our 2008 Boomer marketing Summit, and I'm thrilled to see this initiative continue to grow.

Here’s to the coming sea change in 2009!

Lori Bitter - PresidentJWT
Boom - info@jwtboom.com